Special Watch

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Hi hi,
And so we lost. Yep. I admit we deserve to lose. Our arguments could have been better. But differing views amongst the adults on what points to make, what stand to take, how we put our points across, made our progress slow and so we did not perfect our arguments. But nope, we should not have lost that badly. We did not deserve to lose that badly. Our girls put up a good fight. They have improved tremendously from zero knowledge to good debaters. They were able to put forth their points better and think on their feet better. On the whole, they did their best this round, compared to the previous rounds. But our opponents were strong and well prepared with sound arguments. But, WE DID NOT DESERVE TO LOSE THAT BADLY. It puts the whole programme into mockery. Well, their aim was viewership, not the psychological well-being of the children. Yucks!

Now, its back to my core duties and more sleep. And it is now my duty to help old wounds heal. Am glad I am their F/T. It is my honour to be their F/T. It is now my turn to do something for them. They have already done so much for us. They will forever be my idols.



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